CE Certified Product Catalog
Diagnostic reagents
Epidemic prevention materials
Medical consumables
Inspection instruments
laboratory instruments and equipment
Diagnostic reagents and medical consumables production devices
Inspection equipment and medical equipment
Molecular Biology Product Catalog
  • "Monkeypox" has stigma, WHO plans to change its name

    There is stigma, WHO plans to change the name of monkeypox The World Health Organization said on June 14 that it will officially rename the monkeypox virus and the disease it causes to prevent stigma and discrimination by existing names.

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  • Five Most Important things you need to know about monkeypox

    Now, many countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Portugal, and Germany have successively reported confirmed cases of monkeypox, which are spreading at an increasing rate. Here are a few things you must know about the monkeypox virus.

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  • About ELISA

    Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA for short) refers to the combination of soluble antigens or antibodies on solid-phase carriers such as polystyrene, and the use of antigen-antibody binding specificity to conduct qualitative and quantitative immune responses. Detection method.

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  • Monkeypox cases increase and experts warn against carelessness

    there have been 45 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the United States so far, doubling from the previous week. Experts warnning people don't careless

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